Not Every Marketing Firm is the Same

There are a lot of companies pushing ads and making claims that they are the 'best marketing firm' out there.  But how many take the time to really break down what they do and why?

marketing firm

Our Method

At Top Fin Marketing, we take a holistic approach to marketing.  There are no shortcuts to building your brand or securing a top spot in Google's organic search results.  It takes time, amazing content, and a multi-faceted approach.  For SEO, for example, backlinks alone aren't enough, nor is a perfectly optimized website.  For social media, posting frequently is important, but if the posts aren't impressing your potential customers (or even reaching them) then it won't do the trick.

That's why our marketing firm takes a multi-faceted approach to developing your brand and ranking your business on Google.  We do this by focusing on:

  • Optimizing your website with rich, regular content
  • Amazing, fresh graphics and images to impress your customers
  • Informational blog posts as additional web content that helps keep you relevant
  • Optimized Google Business Profiles
  • A link building strategy to raise your website's domain authority
  • Regular, relevant, visually appealing social media content
  • And more!

Our Marketing Firm Believes in Transparency

There is nothing we will do for you that we won't explain.  We'll even tell you some of the best software our marketing firm uses as part of our tools.  That's because we're not afraid of a customer stopping using us to do it themselves.

Owners Beau and Christopher know what it's like to start a business.  Having started several successful companies and having worked with so many clients, we know it's beyond a full-time job to run your company.  That's why we know you're not trying to wear yet another hat and learn something else.  You don't want to learn how to do this stuff, you just want to know what we're doing so you can be confident choosing us.

Too often a marketing firm will run ads and meet with clients saying 'we know the best way' and 'we are closely tied into Google' and 'we've ranked hundreds of clients with our special methods', none of which tells you what they're actually doing.  Are they buying backlinks and putting you at risk of penalties from Google?  Are the backlinks they're buying from website that will likely be shut down in six months making the link invalid and requiring you to buy even more backlinks?  Are they throwing a bunch of content up on your website that may be 'optimized' for Google but isn't aesthetically pleasing to your customers?  Is their social media content generic and likely the same stuff they post on every client page they work with?  Are they doing higher level stuff like driving customers from social media to your website with high-quality informational articles to increase your site's organic traffic?  Do they even understand your business well enough to write content for it?

With Top Fin, we'll do all these things and more and be upfront about how.  Our work is work you can easily see when it's done.  That way you know you're being well taken care of.

Have Questions?

Our methods aren't a secret, and they aren't meant to be.  We offer free consultations where we will give you our entire playbook on how to rank and brand your business.  But do you have the time to learn it and then actually do it?  Do you have the time to stay current on newer, developing trends?  You need someone who can handle your marketing for you, but how they do it doesn't need to be a secret.

That's why our marketing firm offers free consultations.  Take the time today to speak with one of our marketing consultants to learn why we're your best choice for dominating online.

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SEO & Social Media: It's How You Grow Your Business

Long term, search engine optimization and social media is all your business needs.  In the short term, you likely need pay-per-click ads and other marketing methods, while long term your goal is all about organic rankings and customer following.  But getting there isn't easy.

With our marketing firm, we'll take a holistic approach through tried-and-true methods of quality content and organic link building strategies to establish your business solidly in the top spots on Google.  And while we rank you on Google we'll keep your customers interested and aware of your brand through fresh, appealing content marketing on social media.

For companies that lack an organic presence online, as their company grows their marketing spend grows with it.  To earn more jobs you have to pay for more clicks, more commercials, and more shared leads.  That's not the case with organic rankings.  As your Google rankings increase, the cost to maintain and further improve it does not.  It's the most affordable long-term marketing method available for your business.

marketing firm
marketing firm

Ready to Schedule a Free Consultation?

Our marketing firm provides free consultations to answer any questions and better explain our approach.  We'll take the time to go over what we do and why we do it, as well as learn your business and its needs.  From there we'll put together a custom marketing strategy that best suits where your business is currently at and where it is trying to get to.

Ready to Schedule a Free Consultation?

Our marketing firm provides free consultations to answer any questions and better explain our approach.  We'll take the time to go over what we do and why we do it, as well as learn your business and its needs.  From there we'll put together a custom marketing strategy that best suits where your business is currently at and where it is trying to get to.